Wednesday 27 May 2009

Father & Son~


Recently, I just heard back a song from Cat Stevens a.k.a Yusuf Islam ft with Ronan Keating about Father & Son. This song is more to an advise that a father could give to his son, in how to face the life that the could possibly go through. Because in life, a father's advise is a valuable asset for the son so he can go through any difficulties without hesitations.

Father & Son - Cat Stevens ft Ronan Keating

It's not time to make a change,
Just relax, take it easy.
You're still young, that's your fault,
There's so much you have to know.
Find a girl, settle down,
If you want you can marry.
Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy.

I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy,
To be calm when you've found something going on.
But take your time, think a lot,
think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again.
It's always been the same, same old story.
From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen.
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away.
I know I have to go.

It's not time to make a change,
Just sit down, take it slowly.
You're still young, that's your fault,
There's so much you have to go through.
Find a girl, settle down,
if you want you can marry.
Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy.
(Son-- Away Away Away, I know I have to
Make this decision alone - no)

All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside,
It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it.
If they were right, I'd agree, but it's them They know not me.
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away.
I know I have to go.
(Father-- Stay Stay Stay, Why must you go and
make this decision alone?)

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Tuesday 26 May 2009

The stereotypes thrown to us~


May be most of you have heard or read about these statements below that I will share, but I think it won't hurt if we remind ourselves about the stereotypes thrown to us by the orientalist in order to crush the muslims.

Bayangkanlah bagaimana mereka mengawal media-media supaya ummat dunia ini bila melihat agama Islam, mereka akan memandang hina pada Deen ini. Hebat. Cukup hebat method mereka.


Mengapa seseorang Yahudi dibolehkan menyimpan janggutnya untuk mengamalkan kepercayaannya...

...tetapi bila seorang Muslim berbuat demikian, dia dianggap ekstrim dan pengganas?

Mengapa seseorang rahib boleh meliputi keseluruhan tubuhnya kerana memperhambakan diri kepada Tuhannya...

...tetapi bila seseorang Muslimah melakukan begitu, dia ditekan?

Mengapa bila wanita barat menjadi surirumah, dia dihormati kerana dikatakan berkorban untuk keluarganya. ...

...tetapi bila wanita Islam berbuat begitu, mereka kata, 'dia mesti dibebaskan!'

Mengapa mana-mana gadis boleh ke universiti dengan berpakaian mengikut kesukaannya kerana punyai hak dan kebebasan...

...tetapi bila seseorang wanita Muslim memakai hijab, dia tidak boleh menjejakkan kakinya ke universiti?

Mengapa bila seseorang kanak-kanak meminati sesuatu bidang, dia dikatakan punyai bakat...

...tetapi bila seseorang kanak-kanak meminati Islam, dia dikatakan tak berguna?

Mengapa bila seseorang Kristian atau Yahudi membunuh, agamanya tidak dikaitkan... tetapi baru sahaja seseorang Muslim didakwa melakukan jenayah, nama Islam turut diadili!

Mengapa bila seseorang berkorban diri untuk melihat orang lain hidup, dia amat disanjungi.. .

...tetapi bila seseorang warga Palestin melakukannya untuk menyelamatkan diri, keluarga, rumahtangga dan masjidnya, dia dikenali sebagai seorang pengganas?

Mengapa bila seseorang memandu kereta mewah dengan cara bahaya, keretanya tidak pernah dipertikaikan. ..

...tetapi bila seseorang Muslim melakukan kesalahan, orang kata ia adalah kerana agama Islamnya!

Mengapa kita terlalu percaya kepada akhbar...

...tetapi selalu persoalkan apa yang terkandung di dalam Al-Quranul Karim?


Tapi secara positifnya, kita boleh lihat, bahawa ummat dunia melihat dan memfokuskan diri pada Deen Islam ini. Andainya ummat Islam dalam dunia bisa berubah, kembali kepada Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah, meneladani sirah Rasulullah SAW dan para sahabat dan mepamerkan akhlak yang murni dan mulia, pandangan negatif ummat dunia pada Islam, insya Allah, lambat laun akan berubah menjadi pandangan positif dan memungkinkan, mereka sendiri ingin mengikuti ummat Islam dalam beramal dan berakhlak dalam kehidupan seharian mereka.

Seperti suatu ketika dahulu, ketika empayar Islam menerajui tamadun manusia dalam pelbagai bidang. Membawa manusia memperhambakan diri pada Allah yang Esa. Cukup indah dan cukup bermakna.

Semua ini hanya boleh dikembalikan, sekiranya stereotype terhadap Islam berjaya ditepis dan setiap individu-individu Muslim itu berusaha untuk mengubah dirinya menjadi lebih bertaqwa kepada Allah.

"...Sungguh, yang paling mulia diantara kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang paling bertaqwa..." [Al-Hujurat, 49 : 13]


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Sunday 24 May 2009

Janji Melayu~


Hmm....biasanya, apakah yang terbayang dalam minda kita bila kalimat di atas menjadi sebutan?
Boleh kata, ia merupakan ungkapan negatif yang merujuk kepada janji yang tidak ditepati. Tapi kenapa "MELAYU"? Kenapa bangsa ini yang menjadi point dalam statement ini? Kenapa tak letak je bangsa lain? Negroids ke? Caucasion ke? Chinese ke? or any other race which seems more fit to it? Adakah ia menunjukkan bahawa bangsa ini telah jatuh standardnya hingga ke satu point, sehingga ia boleh di jadikan indicator kepada satu perjanjian yang sukar ditepati? Kalau beginilah keadaannya, maka amatlah MALU kepada mereka yang mengaku diri mereka sebagai bangsa Melayu. Begitu juga saya, sebab saya adalah seorang Melayu. Saya malu sekiranya bangsa saya, standardnya jatuh sedemikian rupa.

Tapi secara realitinya, bukankah ia begitu? Memang seringkali saya melihat, ramai yang meng'ia'kan theory ini. Perjumpaan yang diminta untuk datang tepat pada masanya, setengah jama selepas masa yang dijanjikan, barulah nampak muka-muka yang baru nak datang. Itu pun kadangkala ada juga yang datang lewat lagi.

Dan yang paling common berlaku, bila waktu kelas atau pun kuliah. Kalau sekiranya kelas atau kuliah bermula jam 8.00 pagi, dan sepatutnya datang awal sedikit untuk membuat preparations for the class, maka yang biasa datang lewat adalah rakan-rakan melayu juga. And obviously, you could guess who usually comes early, rakan-rakan berbangsa china jugaklah yang selalu datang awal.

Kalaulah masalah ini berlaku sekali-sekala, mungkin ia boleh dimaafkan, namun begitu, perkara ini seolah-olah menjadi trend ataupun habit untuk datang lewat. Maka tak salah lah andai bangsa Melayu ini boleh menjadi sebahagian daripada ungkapan "Janji Melayu" yang merujuk kepada perjanjian yang sukar untuk ditepati. Dan juga tak hairanlah kenapa bangsa Melayu ini sukar untuk membangun dan berdiri diatas kaki sendiri dalam dunia realiti masa kini.

Dan Allah berfirman :

"...dan penuhilah janji, kerana janji itu pasti akan diminta pertanggungjawapannya." [Al-Isra', 17 :34]

"...dan orang-orang yang menepati janji apabila berjanji, dan orang-orang yang sabar dalam kemelaratan, penderitaan, dan pada masa peperangan. Mereka itulah orang-orang benar, dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang bertaqwa." [Al-Baqarah, 2 : 177]

Sekarang saya tidak mahu berbicara pasal rasisme lagi, sebab ia tidak akan membawa apa-apa faedah sekiranya saya menyalahkan satu bangsa. Hakikatnya, setiap bangsa mempunyai kelemahan, dan kelemahan ini hanya boleh di atasi bila mana bangsa itu menyedari kelemahan mereka dan mengambil inisiatif untuk berubah menjadi yang terbaik.

Merujuk kepada firman Allah di atas, memang hakikatnya setiap perjanjian yang dibuat perlu ditepati. Tak kira bangsa. Dengan ketepatan janji yang dibuat, ia menjaga hak individu atau kumpulan lain serta memberikan ruang masa kepada mereka untuk melakukan aktiviti lain yang membawa manfaat. Sekali gus, ia membawa kepada sifat saling hormat-menghormati antara satu sama lain, di mana dalam hendak memupuk semangat kerjasama, sifat ini amatlah perlu lebih-lebih lagi dalam negara Malaysia yang mempunyai pelbagai kaum yang duduk dibawah satu bumbung yang sama iaitu Malaysia. Dan mungkin, propaganda yang dibawa oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang kelima iaitu Yang Berbahagia Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak iaitu 1Malaysia boleh direalisasikan bila mana sifat ini berjaya dipupuk. Tiada perkauman yang dipuja, cuma suruhan Allah sahaja yang menjadi panduan dan ikutan.

Moga-moga bangsa Melayu ini tidak terus menjebakkan dirinya kelembah penghinaan. Bangkitlah, dan berubahlah. Hiduplah dengan norma-norma Islam yang menyeluruh.

"Islam promotes PEACE. Islam is for ALL."


*p/s : Sesungguhnya penulis bukanlah bercakap omong kosong dan tidak melakukan apa yang dikatakan. Tetapi penulis berani berkata sedemikian kerana penulis mengambil ikhtibar daripada kisah lalu yang menjadikan penulis berazam dan terus thabat untuk penuhi setiap perjanjian yang dibuat. Moga peringatan yang tak seberapa ini dapat memberi sedikit pengajaran kepada kita agar kita menjadi ummat yang terbaik.

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New Template~


So, I changed my template. Why? Cause the green template caught a problem. The background could not load as it should be. Darn!! But anyway, this is my new template for the time being. I had problems applying this template. All my widgets just disappeared and I had to do all back again. Darn!! So problematic. Anyway, if this template looks not good, do give you comments, that is if you dare!! (I had problems dude finishing this!! Huhuhu~).

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Saturday 23 May 2009



haaa~ penat. Yes, hari nie main paintball skali. This time program nie dianjurkan otai2 KRJ untuk bermain bersama dengan para pewaris KRJ. Ye la, biasenyer, kami selalu buat program dengan budak2 sekolah, pewaris dan otai, so, this time para otai2 KRJ pun nak jugak buat program bersama dengan pewaris. Biar hubungan ukhuwah tuh bukan sekadar di program2 KRJ sahaje tapi lebih lagi. huhu~

Pape pun, seramai 27 orang daripada pewaris dan otai2 yang datang untuk menjayakan paintball kali nie. Dan team dibahagikan kepada 4 team; 7, 7, 7, 6, dan setiap team hanya dapat main sebanyak 2 round sahaje. Ye la, mane taknyer, janji datang kul 2.30pm, last2 start perangnyer kul 4 gak. Haish~ tak pa la~

So, I played in the first round; Team A vs Team B (tak de name sbnrnyer group kami). First game memang serius sangat cepat. Team A kami baru main 5 minit, dah menang. Mane tak nyer, dalam team A, saya sorg je penah main paintball nie, pastu team B lak tak de wakil yang penah main. So, dengan pengalaman yang ade, memang lincah r. Hahaha~ dapat la bunuh dalam 3 orang. Haha~

So, bile round 1 habis, lawan la plak team C vs team D. Pum...pam...pum...pam....akhirnyer, team C menang. Mane tak nyer, team C nie terdiri daripada senior2 yang dah selalu main, so, diorg memang r terer. Sekejap plak tuh main. Ceh~

So, bile cenggitu, terjadi lah menang lawan menang game and kalah lawan kalah game. So, winners team main la dulu. And tak dinafikan, round nie sangat tak best. Ye r, sebab team C dah ramai pakat nak jatuhkan panglima dulu. Sekali bile mule perang, 3 org senior terus je menyambar daku yang tengah mencari posisi. Nasib bek sempat give a fight. Ade la bagi diorg gerun cket, tapi last2 mati kena tembak kat telinga. Mak ai, memang berdesing pale. fuh~ pastu kena la kuar. So, bile panglima nyer dah mati, yang lain dah jadik kacang r bagi team C tuh. Mentang2 ramai yang power main. Huhu~ takpe2.

So, natijah nyer, memang best r main. For some of the pewaris yang first time main, diorg sangat la teruja n of course naik main lagi, tapi dek kesuntukan masa, maka kami terpakse pulang. Tapi insya Allah, andai ade rezeki, kita akan berentap semula. And this time, I will not let them kill me again so easily. hahaha~

Sekian, Terima Kasih.

*p/s : Memang takde manfaatnyer post topic nie, tapi sebab dah teramat la bosan, maka saya post je la agenda yang berlaku hari nie.

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Friday 22 May 2009

Allah knows~


Allah knows. Allah knows everything that we do. Even more, He knows what is going on in our hearts, the tremble, the sorrow and weakness in facing life. He knows, that we are weak and in need of help and guidance. Allah Knows. Allah knows.

Allah knows - Zain Bikha

When you feel all alone in this world

And there's nobody to count your tears
Just remember, no matter where you are
Allah knows
Allah knows

When you carrying a monster load
And you wonder how far you can go
With every step on that road that you take
Allah knows
Allah knows

No matter what, inside or out
There's one thing of which there's no doubt
Allah knows
Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth
Every star in this whole universe
Allah knows
Allah knows

When you find that special someone
Feel your whole life has barely begun
You can walk on the moon, shout it to everyone
Allah knows
Allah knows

When you gaze with love in your eyes
Catch a glimpse of paradise
And you see your child take the first breath of life
Allah knows
Allah knows


When you lose someone close to your heart
See your whole world fall apart
And you try to go on but it seems so hard
Allah knows
Allah knows

You see we all have a path to choose
Through the valleys and hills we go
With the ups and the downs, never fret never frown
Allah knows
Allah knows


Every grain of sand,
In every desert land, He knows.
Every shade of palm,
Every closed hand, He knows.
Every sparkling tear,
On every eyelash, He knows.
Every thought I have,
And every word I share, He knows.
Allah knows
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Thursday 21 May 2009

Air Terjun~


Yes, bestnyer hari nie. At last, there was an activity that I did. Hari nie saya telah pun pergi ke Air Terjun Kota Tinggi bersama dengan Abah and a friend, Haziq. Asalnyer ade program hari keluarga kecilan group mechy abah, so tu yang saya diajak untuk teman dia. And dah memang konfirm orang2 group abah nie saya tak kenal, tu yang ajak Haziq tuk join n temankan skali. Tempat dia memang serius best. Sangat tenteram dan menenangkan hati. Bersih lagi r berbanding mase pi Cameron nyer air terjun. Sana busuk dan banyak sampah. Teruk betul la. Huhu~

For more pics, click here.

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Wednesday 20 May 2009

You are never alone~


You know, there are times when you feel so demotivated and the world itself seems to be not on your side. During those times, any flinch of act would make you feel bad. During those times too, you hope for someone to understand your situation, but no one is there for you, and what happens? You get more and more demotivated.

Life seems so dull and unhappy. No one seems to understand what your going through. But the problem is, we always forget, that we are never alone. Never alone in this journey. He is and will always be beside us. To help us go through the hardship of life. But then, to know His presents, we must have faith in Him. Believe that He will help us and be with us in times where no one is there for us. Believe and have Faith. So, no matter what, you are never alone. Cheer up, smile always and enjoy the life while you still can.

You are never alone - Zain Bikha

Sometimes, When The World's Not On Your Side
you Don't Know Where To Run To
you Don't Know Where To Hide.

you Gaze, At The Stars In The Sky
at The Mountains So High
through The Tears In Your Eyes.

looking For A Reason,
to Replace What Is Gone.
just Remember, Remember
that You Are Never Alone.

you Are Never Alone (You Are Never Alone)
just Reach Into Your Heart
and Allah Is Always There.
you Are Never Alone (You Are Never Alone)
through Sorrow And Through Grief
through Happiness And Peace
you Are Never Alone.

so Now As You Long For Your Past
prepare For Your Future
but Knowing Nothings Going To Last
you See This Life Is But A Road
a Straight And Narrow Path
to Our Final Abode

so Travel Well O Muslim
and Paradise Will Be Your Home
and Always Remember
that You Are Never Alone.

you Are Never Alone (You Are Never Alone)
just Reach Into Your Heart
and Allah Is Always There.
you Are Never Alone (Allah Is There)
through Sorrow And Through Grief
through Happiness And Peace
you Are Never Alone.

you Are Never Alone (You Are Never Never Alone)
just Reach Into Your Heart
and Allah Is Always There.
you Are Never Alone (You Are Never Alone)
through Sorrow And Through Grief
through Happiness And Peace
you Are Never Alone.
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Saturday 16 May 2009

Selamat Hari Guru~


Nampaknya, lewat malam ini lah baru saya sempat postkan ucapan hari Guru kepada semua yang telah mendidik saya sepanjang 20 tahun kehidupan saya ini. Sejak minggu lepas lagi, saya tidak berkesempatan untuk cek email dan update blog atas kesibukkan menghandle program Minggu Pengurusan Pelajar Baru (MPPB) Kolej Matriks Johor (KMJ) sesi 09/10.

Sempena hari Guru ini, saya ingin menghadiahkan sebuah lagu yang cukup menarik. Ia didedikasikan kepada semua insan yang pernah menjadi guru, pendidik, murabbi seawal saya dibangku sekolah rendah, sekolah menengah, matriks dan juga lecturer2 universiti.

Moga Allah merahmati setiap usaha kalian. Semoga Allah juga membuka pintu hati kalian untuk menerima hidayah-Nya. Jazakallah Khair saya ucapkan kepada kalian kerana mendidik saya untuk menjadi insan yang berguna dan berbakti kepada Deen ini, bangsa ini serta tanah air ini. Andai perpisahan ini memungkinkan pertemuan diakhirat, moga kita sama-sama bertemu di syurga-Nya dan dijauhi daripada seksaan 'Azab neraka.

Terima Kasih Guruku - Laskar pelangi

pagiku cerahku, matahari bersinar,
kugendong tas merah ku di pundak,
selamat pagi semua ku natikan dirimu,
didepan kelas mu menantikan kami,

guruku tersayang,
guru tercinta
tanpamu apa jadinya aku,
tak bisa baca tulis mengerti banyak hal,
guruku terima kasih ku

nyatanya diriku,
kadang buat mu marah

namun segala maaf kau berikan...

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Saturday 2 May 2009

5 things about myself??~


Actually, for this post, a friend of mine back then in school tagged me. Wanted me to tell the world, 5 things about myself. Hmm...actually, this stuff is like doing a muhasabah or reflection on myself, but truthfully, I myself, got no ideas at all, about the "things" that I could share to you all. But anyway, as to fulfill a request, let's check back my past and see, what have I really got inside here.

Okay, so lets make this systematic. It'll help ME and you all who's "rajin" enough to read this post. And if possible, for those who recognise me or know me or what so ever, you are sooooo welcome to give your opinions, thoughts, comments, critics and all those stuff, about me. Don't worry, I'm open to confessions. Okay, so, lets see. From my point of view,

1. I talk big and boast about myself.

What the heck. Yeah that's me. BUT I do that usually to my CLOSE friends ONLY. And its always for fun and jokes. But sometimes, it does get a little bit tooo over. But not to worry, I don't usually end things with a fight, usually, its just a little cut in the heart, that's all. Haha~ o0o man. What jerk. Actually, its something, I myself, don't like to do. It shows stubbornness and sometimes, it rots the ukhuwah but its the part of yourself that is soooooooo hard to change. But don't worry, I'm TRYING hard to change that. Its not like I can just switch off the plug in one day, but it takes time. And this attitude usually applies to the boys/ikhwah/kawan lelaki and all. To the my girl <------------Separated far, far, far, far away------------> friends, I don't usually do that. I control it well because, from what I understand, girl's hearts are sooooo fragile. You make a wrong step, and you pay for it. That's the problem with them. Haha~ no offence girls, just kidding (^_^).

2. I'm quite clever.

Haha~ I'm not boasting here, but its something that my mother said (I bet your mother said that to you too) and I found it out myself during matriks. You know, if I'm a 100% focus at something, I absorb a lot. It proves right when I'm in year 6, form 3 and the matriks. Form 5 was excluded because I was like, playin around most of the time, and had a lot of "heart" problems. You know, those kinda stuffs. Had "those" too in matriks, but I really managed to control it. Well, sort off. Whaaa~t?? I'm a human right? It's normal, right?? So, back to the "thing" about myself. So, as I discovered this advantage about myself, It was soooooooo useful. Don't need to be like some of my friends who studied like 8 HOURS A DAY!! What the...?? You got a life man, live it!! for me, as long I can focus 100% in class, revision is just like a bonus. (I'm not tryin to say that I don't study...I study TOOOO, but just less than others, sooo less...that's all). I'd rather STUDY SMART than STUDY HARD.

3. I consider myself very helpful.

I'm a helpful person. I help people a lot. But I think this implies only to a certain people. I think I'm quite bias. You?? But somehow, most of the time, most people tend to fulfill the requirements of needing my help. hmm....not bias la. Still balanced. Hahaha~ You know, I sometimes forget that I myself needs help. This is the part where most people take advantage of me, and its not like I don't know, but it's just I don't quite care. Because to me, as long as I'm sincere to help, who cares about your intentions. huhu~ but don't worry, I don't help doing the Haram that Allah has highlighted. I'm talking in good context. You know, to me, It feels refreshing seeing other people's smile, and that is one of the reason I like to help others and always, it cures my heart which sometimes is always filled with sorrows. huh~ oh well.

4. I'm quite noisy / talkative.

Well, this can be referred back to no 1 and 3. You know, only to the closes people, to make others smile, that's the synonyms. It's an attitude that I cannot change. I just can't simply shut myself up for sometimes (well, if I'm in a bad mood / not good condition, I'll keep quite) but most of the time, naaah!! I think it's in the genes. huhu~ It's more to like making an environment. You know, it really irritates having a dull and boring environment, so that's why I like to ENLIGHTEN the area. Hahaha~ well, sometimes, it's a bit over the hedge but that's me alright.

5. _______________________________________

Okay, because I'm sooooooo short of Ideas, the last one, I leave it up to you guys. If you feel like filling it in, be my guest, and of course I appreciate evvvery word given either its bad or good, but if you just wanna keep it to yourself, well, thats not my problem, right?? So, make yourself comfy, please. (^_^)

So, that's it from me, Wassalam.

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