Thursday, 5 June 2008

Sambil menanti jadi ngantuk~



I just got back from KL 9.45 this night. Went back from a program named LEADERS, meant for "adik-adik pewaris KRJ". I went there as an escort for team Johor. Followed the program from the beginning the till end. It was really exciting, see the new kids full with energy to learn about dakwah and its associates. Learn communication skills, interpretation methods, managing skills and many more for them to use in the dakwah arena. I think, it is really important for them to learn from this program, because doing dakwah is not just about preaching to others talking about Islam and stuff, but it's more than that.

Dakwah, it's a thing that the Propeht Muhammad SAW did during his lifetime since he became the prophet. And from his Prophet hood life we see, his preachings sometimes does not comes from his mouth only, but most of it comes from his akhlaq and actions which is really, really incredible. I really wondered, how was it like to live with the prophet himself? my, wouldn't it be really wonderful, to learn and hear the Quran directly from him, see and witness his akhlaq, fight by his side for the sake of Islam and also meet with the sahabah. But of course, that is just a thought and dream from me. The present is the present, and Islam is still Islam and will be Islam like it was from before as long as there time until the day of judgment comes. So, that is it, part of what we can inherit from the prophet SAW is dakwah to Islam. A thing that is a must do so long we are called a muslim. Like what the prophet SAW narrated or so by meaning:

"Deliver from me even with one phrase."

Let's not see it as, only the USTAZ or USTAZAH can do dakwah, but we too can do it. If not by words, why not by actions. Show good attitudes to all regardless to any stages or levels of people are; muslims or not, rich or poor, good or bad, rempits or non-rempits, political people or not, who ever, as long as this DEEN is uphold till Yaumul Qiyamah.

As an ending, let's WAKE UP see things the way it should be. Let's bring Islam back!!
Wallahu'alam, Wassalam.

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