Futsal is played between two teams of five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. In addition each team may have 7 substitutes. Unlike some other forms of indoor football, the court is delimited by lines, and not walls or boards that players can use to rebound the ball. Futsal is played with a smaller ball with less bounce than a football. The emphasis is on improvisation, creativity and technique.
Other forms of indoor football games, which are played by somewhat different rules, exist and may be referred to as indoor football, five-a-side footbal or indoor soccer. Those games predate the formulation of official (FIFA) rules of futsal.
Wah, penat nyer malam nie. Baru balik main futsal kat Kampung Sinaran baru a.k.a dekat sekolah. Best seh main futsal sebenarnye. Kalau baca description kat sane tuh, tau la kan what type of a game futsal nie. So, pape pun, tadi saya bermain bersama dengan membe2 lame yang suke main gak. Kali nie, kitorg saje je main sebelum sume masuk balik U and pi daftar ke U masing2. Ye la, mane la tau, pas nie da tak dapat nak main lagi same2. Mungkin pas nie da tak ole lagi da diorg. Mungkin org plak yang kene. Hehe...pape pun penat tapi tersangat la best sebab dapat gak bersenam and berukhuwah ngn budak2 batch.
Saje je nak buat coretan sikit dalam blog nieh. Nampak cm main futsal adalah antara aktiviti yang paling menarik dalam minggu nie, so, buh je la.
~Wahhh....okeh, da ngantuk. Nak tido. Pape pun, nak pesan, yok kite rajin2 kan bersenam. Moga dengan kesihataan badan, boleh membantu kita dalam melaksanakan tuntutan syara' dengan lebih mudah. Jangan lupe, Allah lebih mencintai mukmin yang kuat berbanding mukmin yang lemah. Itu saje dari saya, Sekian, Wassalam.
'Asim : Wah...penat bangat sih. Bisa buat diri ini tercabut semua tulang. ~Waduh, waduh...
ReplyDeleteasim maen futsal?
abes la...
kalah la..
wei,pandang rendah nampak?
ReplyDeletejangan main2...
nie jagoh handalan futsal tau tak?