Tuesday, 10 June 2008

My New Template


hahaha...akhirnya...dapat gak tuka template. Setelah lame mencari template yang menarik tapi nie pub boleh laa. Da malas nak pikir la katakan. Dapat ilham dari Atiqah K nyer blog. Dia bagi link pyzam, tapi macam tak der yang menarik sangat. So, my brother recommended me to go to a different blogger template nyer site. Kat situ macam banyak lagi template yang best. So, lastly, I picked this one. Reasons?? er...tak de kot. Just trying anyway. Maybe after, you'll see a lot more changes to my blog until this heart is satisfied (will there be any satisfaction in the humans heart?? who knows...well, Allah knows). Anyway, thats it from me for today.


1 comment:

  1. HU3..

    new template..



    thx for ur delighted commnt...


    nice 2 meet u...


    jazakallah hu khairan
