Alhamdulillah. AKHIRNYA!! Berjaya jugak siapkan design sendiri punya blog!! Haha~
Okeh, below here is the old blog that you've seen before.

Haa~ this one I downloaded it from a site. So, its not that flexible enough. The designs are beautiful, but its just know, it just doesn't suites me. Thats all. So, from this design, I manipulated a few things. Put up my own design. The headers, widget's title, post background and also the fox menu up above. Haha~ and walla......the RESULTS!!

So, here it is. Hmm...I know there still a lot of weakness in creativity cause it only took me half a day to construct this but do give me comments so in the future, I'll try and make a more beautiful and wonderful blog template. Who knows, maybe I could make one for you? huhu~
Okeh, below here is the old blog that you've seen before.

Haa~ this one I downloaded it from a site. So, its not that flexible enough. The designs are beautiful, but its just know, it just doesn't suites me. Thats all. So, from this design, I manipulated a few things. Put up my own design. The headers, widget's title, post background and also the fox menu up above. Haha~ and walla......the RESULTS!!

So, here it is. Hmm...I know there still a lot of weakness in creativity cause it only took me half a day to construct this but do give me comments so in the future, I'll try and make a more beautiful and wonderful blog template. Who knows, maybe I could make one for you? huhu~
salam. rasenye ana lg ske dsign layout yg hr tu dpd yg
ReplyDeletehahaha~ ape pasal? Sebab lawa lagi ea? huhu~ aiseh...takpe2, ana tak berkenan ngan yang lame nyer...