Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Failure...something positive??!!

Just thought about something...n with my hand's tingling to type...so, here I am once again...in front of the computer...hahahaha...okeh...like the Title itself, so today I want to talk about Failure...

So, in a good life we all go through, there are so many events that occur...part of them brings happiness while the other part, well, not so happy la...there's always the contra of life....you know, actually, failure is not something that bad if you see it from a positive side...but most of the time, a lot of people they could not just think it the way I do...you know, in my life, I think I've failed a lot of times...and my greatest failure (for know la...) was the SPM...its not about the grades that I got...because if I say, I got 4 A's (2 1A's and 2 2A's...)for SPM, then that wouldn't count as a failure, right?well, its something more deeper...what would you do or feel, if everyone close to you put high expectations on you for your exams or test but then, you could not fulfil it? More over, they don't get mad with what you get, but they still inspire and motivate you so you can learn from your mistakes...man...in those times, I really felt ashamed of myself...I just don't know why I could not fulfil their expectations...I tried to find reasons...but looks like there are no reasons...well, what do you think? Do you need reasons for failure? If you fail, that means you make mistakes...and mistakes are often from spontaneous acts or ridiculous actions...so, you don't have any reasons if you fail...but still, I was trying to find for reasons to cover my humiliation...It took me a long time to think it maturely...I was already in JMC, then I thought it all over again...sometimes you need failure, so you can become someone new...you know, I just met with my old English teacher recently in Hidayah, Mrs Haniza...I told her about my conditions at present, my whereabouts, my studies and a bit of my personal life...and you know what she said? She said she was proud to be my teacher...She saw a little difference in me...She said I looked more confident and enthusiastic...which was quite good...She said I was like a late bloom flower bud...but still not to late because, I still have time if I appreciate it well...you know, what she said was quite the same as what my mother said...My mom said to me that, I can do it if I want too because I have potential but its a matter of me and myself...How I choose my options cautiously...how I act responsibly...and how I think intellectually...well, that's how I am...trying to learn from my past mistakes, and trying my best so I don't repeat what I've done...

For some people, a failure is a failure...its the FULL STOP of life...you can't change a failure to success...well, that is correct because what is done is done...and yes you cannot change that...but still you can change the future right? We don't know what lies in front of us...what has Allah put ahead for us...may be we can become someone else in the future....if not for everyone, at least someone will think that we are someone to them...That's the beauty of life...and that's why Allah created failure for mankind...for them to know themselves better...for them to know their weakness and their strength...so in the future, they will become someone better than before...
like a song said

"Ummat Islam harus cemerlang
hari ini mesti lebih baik dari semalam
jangan buang masa,
siapa kata kita tidak boleh,
kita ada Allah Maha Kuasa,
kita punya kuasa tenaga,
ummat Islam sentiasa boleh...!!"

yeah...that's right...we CAN because we have Allah always near us...so, there is no reason to fail but there is always reasons to learn from our mistakes...as long as we have our own visions and jati diri, it won't become a problem...so it doesn't hurt to fail as long as learn from our failure, we can achieve something far valuable and beneficial from it...
I think thats it from for today, so If have any Ideas again, I'll make sure to update...

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