Monday, 10 December 2007

Abang Yeop n Kak Yeong....

Happy couple's...hohO~

The Groom's side before entering the Bride's house

The couple with the Grooms family

Families and realtives

Majlis Sarung cincin (how to say ion english,hah?)

The akad nikah ceremony

Before entering the Bride's house

Alhmadulillah on the 8th of December 2007, My big brother, 'Umayr Sayfurrahman has tied his knot With my Sister in Law, Muhaini binti Mahusin. That day was the most delightful day our familiy. You know, its quite akward for me to see my big bro getting married. Well, may be its because, we have no experience in this marriage thingy before, and because my big bro is the first amongst us siblings, but you know, it really is intresting and enjoying. That day really went well even though it has been raining since the early week but may be because Allah's blessing to us, he gave us some sunshine during the akad nikah at the masjid. You know, I'm really speechless right, just wanted to show a few pics of my bro and kak yeong and of course some pics of me laa...hahaha....but anyway, I'm really proud of my big bro and kak yeong may Allah give you both blessings till akhir hayah, insya Allah.....
thats it from me for today, Wassalam....

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