Friday, 30 May 2008

Jalan-jalan di Batam.


Ahhhh!!! So, I just came back from Pulau Abang Kecil, Batam, Indonesia. A very nice place. We were there from the 27th to the 29th of May 2008. It was quite like a holiday. Really exciting and full of experience. Because the experience was so different and unique, I just could not it in words, so, I'll let you all see part of the pictures taken. Starting at home, early in the morning :

Me with my bro, posing before going on a "mission"

Waiting at the Zone before departure.

The ferry that we're going to ride.

WoW!! Aren't I patriotic. Malaysia Boleh!

Me, enjoying the ferry ride from the outside. (It's really cold inside, that's why I went out)

Arriving at Batam City.

My siblings on a boat with a destination to Pulau Abang Kecil.

My brothers having a talk the local folks. On the right is Abang Lady while on the left is abang Iwan, both our tour guide.

Finally arrived at Pulau Abang Kecil at it's Kampung Nelayan.

A few hours after arriving, I already started exploring the Island with my brother and Nu'man. This is Pasir Merah, far south of Pulau Abang Kecil.

Night already and our agenda is BBQ. On the menu is; Fresh fishes from the sea and cumik (squids).

Having a talk with Pak Ambang in the morning (Me and my bro stayed at his home until the end).

Me socializing with the local folks.

The pantun boys doing a performance for us.

Journey to Kampung Air Saga, North of Pulau Abang Kecil.

At Kampung Air Saga, we were served with Coconuts for our mid-day drink.

Ok, I fell here in the hole. Showing my mother how I feel and made a few scares on me.

Heading to Pulau Ranoh. Just doing site seeing.

Posing at Pulau Ranoh.

Caught site of an Eagle. It's left wing seems dislocated, that's why I can touch it on the ground.

I shall conquer the seven seas. Hahaha..

Going fishing at night.

In the seas, fishing.

Haha... Us posing before going scuba diving in the seas.

The big boys on the big boat.

Come on guys, let's dive in.

Me, soaked wet after diving the seas looking for chorals.

On the jeti after goin diving.

Posing for a moment.

The girls taking a moment picture before leaving the Island.

Arrived at Batam City; I'm exhausted la. That's why the face looks like that.

My mother and sister in front of our ferry. The Citra.

Inside the citra. Relaxing.

Moving away from Batam City in our ferry.

Me and my sister, sitting outside trying to collect some memories of Pulau Abang Kecil.

So that's the story of our trip to Pulau Abang Kecil, Batam, Indonesia. It's not much in leisure, but it deeply carves a history in my life.

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Monday, 26 May 2008

Ini Sejarah Kita (ISK)


So I start my blog today with a quote from George Santayana;
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemn to repeat it."

A few days back, I listened to a talk from Dr Tariq al-Suwaidan about "The future of our Religion". His talk was basically about the history of Islam in its early moments, the developing stage, the peak of civilizations, the fall of an empire, the rising moments again and the falling of the great Khalifah kingdom. It was really interesting and also motivating.

After I heard his talk, it made me think back a while. From the above phrase that I gave earlier on from George Santayana, it is true that if the past is forgotten, we will only repeat it over and over again. And that is what happens right in our daily lives.

One of the most important thing being a Muslim is never to forget about the Sirah Nabawiyah. It is always important for us to know, how Islam came into this world, how the Prophet PBUH carried out this burden, how did this Deen came up as a mighty empire once and more in general but it is even better if we could know in specific. With it, then we know how Islam works. The application for dakwah would then be easier because we have a guideline from the Prophet PBUH him selves.
You see, history was written so that the future could learn from it. The weakness from the past can be overtaken, while the strength of the past could be improved. Hence, it would create a better future for a civilization. But think I'd prefer to use "many times", we just forget about what had happen in the past, thus it repeats all over again. Making a civilization, no more than it was from before.
Lastly, I think that's it from me. Before I end this, why not we do some flashbacks through ourselves a lot, see what we can improve through our lives. I think if all the people in world could think like this, then we could move a step further then we are now, especially to the Muslims. I think it's time for us to wake up already and see the future of our religion.

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Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Finally!! The Result!!

Syukur sungguh saya pada pagi yang mulia ini kerana masih lagi diberi peluang oleh Allah untuk terus hidup dibumi-NYA ini. Alhamdulillah, semalam saya telah menyemak keputusan Final saya yang lalu, dan saya berasa benar-benar bersyukur kepada Allah atas pemeberiannya. Tidak saya duga saya boleh mencapai keputusan sedemikian. Ia betul-betul menjadi satu kejutan kepada saya. Namun, saya benar-benar bersyukur. Tapi sebelum saya teruskan lagi, izinkan saya memberitahu kalian tujuan saya postkan result saya. Saya tidak berniat untuk membangga diri atau menunjuk-nunjuk keputusan saya tetapi saya rasa saya ingin berkongsi result bersama-sama dengan sahabat-sahabat saya yang tidak dapat saya contact melalui telephone (kredit maa....tak de duit....hohohO~). So, harap-harap anda mempositivekan mind bila terbaca post saya ini, tapi kalau ada rasa yang kurang senang, maka harap-harap diberitahu dengan segera.

Saya mula menyemak keputusan saya malam semalam. Jam 9.15 mlm tak silap saya. Masa tu, seorang sahabat saya telah meng'sms' saya dan berkata "asim, keputusan dah kuar...pi la cek." So, dalam keadaan yang sangat teruja, saya bergegas ke komputer riba untuk melihat result saya. Saya malas nak cek kat laman web Bahagian Matrikulasi sebab konfirm nak cari site untuk result online mesti payah, so, saya pun pergi ke yahoo search dan terus cari semakan marikulasi. Pastu tup tap, dia mintak no matrix+6 nombor akhir IC, isikan, pastu terus di paparkan seperti dalam gambaran diatas. Pup, pastu terus saya terkejut. Memang tak disangka. Terus buat sujud syukur time 2 gak. Alhamdulillah. Rezeki yang cukup baik Allah berikan kepada saya. Tapi dalam saya gembira tu, saya terlupa nak tanya sahabat saya yang ingatkan saya tentang result ini. So, selepas settle saya buat kerja saya, saya terus call dia dan tanya tentang result dia. Alhamdulillah, dia dapat yang terbaik Allah berikan untuknya. Mungkin bagi dia, dia tidak berapa berpuas hati, tapi bagi saya, ini satu peluang yang Allah bagi untuk kita sama-sama pelajari dari kesilapan masing-masing. Saya amat memahami perasaan dia. Sebab saya pun pernah berada dalam situasi yang sama seperti dia. Dan disebabkan situasi itu saya berazam untuk terus berjaya dimasa akan datang. So, malam tu saya hanya mengetahui result beberapa orang dari kawan saya sahaja tapi hakikatnya saya tumpang gembira dengan kejayaan masing-masing. Saya mengharapkan, dengan kejayaan ini, kita menjadi lebih bertaqwa kepada Allah. Sekian sahaja daripada saya, WasSalam.

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Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Keputusan = Result ??

Ok, so, this is the information that I can provide to those who are seeking for their PSPM result. Don't worry, we still have one more day to go, so why not, let's use this precious time to pray and hope for the best to HIM. May Allah bless us.
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Ujian Terakhir!!

Tanggal 20 Mei 2008, satu tarikh yang sepatutnya menjadi penentu bagi sesetengah orang untuk ke Alam IPT. 20 Mei 2008 telah pun menjadi tarikh yang di highlight oleh setiap pelajar lepasan matrix sesi 2007/2008 kerana sepatutnya pada tarikh ini, keputusan Peperiksaan Semester Akhir telah pun keluar. Namun begitu, setelah sekian lama menanti, sehingga jam 9.32 malam saya masih lagi berhadapan dengan komputer riba ini tapi masih gagal untuk mencari keputusan yang diuar-uarkan akan keluar hari ini. Rasa geram, tension, tertekan, marah, tak sabar, semuanya terpendam di lubuk hati. Hanya menghitung saat sahaja untuk meletus. Namun, dalam pada saya merasa sifat negatif ini kian menular dalam hati saya, teringat pula saya pada sebuah hadith Ar-Rasul SAW yang saya postkan beberapa minggu yang lalu yang antaranya berbunyi "JANGAN MARAH!".

Saya terfikir, hadith yang Baginda SAW berikan ini cukup simple tapi hakikatnya, ia mempunyai maksud yang cukup mendalam. Ya betul, dalam situasi saya sekarang, saya marah dengan pihak tertentu yang memberikan informasi yang salah pada kami. Namun, bila dimuhasabah semula, hakikatnya Allah ingin menguji kami dengan ujian terakhir sebelum keputusan kami keluar. Ujian yang mungkin tak ramai boleh lalui dan atasi, dan bagi saya, saya fikir saya telah tewas kerana tak mampu nak kawal perasaan saya ini. Mungkin kerana saya mengharapkan yang terbaik daripada usaha saya, dan bila ia tidak hadir pada tarikh yang ditetapkan, maka saya berasa tidak puas hati. Berjaya juga Syaitan menikam hati saya dengan tombak amarah. Tapi pendirian saya tetap teguh, selagi mana keputusan tidak diumumkan, selagi itu saya masih sempat untuk berubah dan muhasabah diri. Mungkin Allah ingin memberi peluang kepada kami untuk terus berdoa dan mengharap kepada-NYA. Memberi peluang kepada kami untuk mengenal pasti setiap kelemahan yang ada pada kami sebelum peluang yang diberikan tertutup.

'"Ya Allah, betapa kami merancang untuk berjaya di dunia MU ini, rancangan engkau tetap melebihi segalanya. Betapa ENGKAU mengasihi hamba-MU dan tetap memberikan peluang terakhir kepada hamba-MU untuk singkap kembali kelemahan yang ada pada diri kami agar kami tidak akan menyesal atas kesilapan kami."

Terakhir sekali, saya fikir, segala-NYA dalam tangan-NYA, rezeki kami memang telah tetap. Keputusan kami juga telah tetap. Namun, selagi Allah tidak umumkan keputusan itu, saya berharap kita terus berdoa untuk mendapat yang terbaik dan mudah-mudahan, usaha kita selama satu tahun di matriks diberkati-NYA. Bersabarlah kerana sabar itu adalah sebahagian daripada Iman. Akhir kata, semoga mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang sahabat-sahabatku, biarlah dengan rezeki yang Allah berikan ini menjadi api motivasi untuk kita terus bergerak kehadapan demi Islam yang tercinta ini.

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Monday, 19 May 2008

Usrah - Alarmie

It's been a while since I updated this blog. Reasons? Well, let's just say that I don't have any time and I'm quite insufficient with ideas. But today, suddenly, while waiting for my PSPM's result (I've been waiting like "YEARS" already) which seems like it doesn't want to come out YET, I thought of posting this lyric. It's a song from the ALARMIE group for JIM. This song sometimes motivates me in my daily life, full with mehnah and tribulations. I've put my life on a line of Dakwah which is the Prophet's PBUH biggest sunnah ever. So, let's dedicate this song to all brothers and sisters who are in the same line as me. "La Tahzan, Inallaha Ma'na."

Dari barisan usrah,
dan dari umbi tarbiyah,
muncullah sinaran fikrah,
Islah terus meniti masa,
dari dewan selesa ke jalanan yang berhaba,
pejuang keadilan dan penjulang kebenaran,
bersama Islam membina ummat,
usaha daulatkan syariah,
agar hidup penuh barakah,
didalam sedih dan ketawa,
didalam susah dan mewah,
tetap teguh iman dan taqwa.
Sehati sejiwa dulu kini selamanya,
walau apa yang melanda hadapi bersama,
Ya Allah ya Rabbi, teguhkan iman kami,
moga tabah hati tak berbelah bagi.
Berbekalkan Islam membina masyarakat,
mengukuh ummat insan sejagat,
setiap mehnah pastinya ada nikmat,
berbaik sangka pada yang Esa.
Rasulullah contoh ikutan,
prinsip syura jadikan amalan,
korban masa tenaga kita,
dan fikiran perkasakan maruah kita.

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Monday, 5 May 2008

Jangan la marah!!

So, thats my post for today, a few words which means a lot. It's a Hadith from the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Let us all take this simple but meaningful words in our life. May we become a better person in the future, insya Allah.
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Sunday, 4 May 2008

Let's Campaign!!

Assalamu'alaikum WBT,
okay, so ladies and Gentlemen, let us all do a little campaign which could contribute to a big change in our own Islamic community. According to the wikipedia website; Demographics of Islam - Data by Country Name, the muslim population by mid-2005 is approximately 1,512,655,647 people which is 22.674% of the world population and it increases as time goes on. My, just imagine, if that 1,512,655,647 people could donate at least a dollar per person to help the Palestinians, they would already have about $1,512,655,647 to help their military funds against the Israel. So, what are we waiting for, let's join the crowd and help our own brothers and sisters in palestin to fight against the Jews.

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