Friday, 30 November 2007

My Personality

Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ENFP)

Your personality type is enthusiastic, giving, cautious, and loyal.

Only about 8% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 6% of all men

You are Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

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Friday, 23 November 2007


A little session with Dr. Me...hehehe....
Assalamu'alaikum all...

"Ok, I got this from an email in my group...its quite intersting...hope you guys could read and reflect it on yourself...a very good message..."

Tidak, Jodoh tiada kaitan dengan keturunan. Hanya belum sampai masanya. Ia bagai menanti jambatan untuk ke seberang. Kalau panjang jambatannya jauhlah perjalanan kita. Ada org jodohnya cepat sebab jambatannya singkat. Usia 25 tahun rasanya belumlah terlalu lewat. Dan usia 35 tahun belum apa2 kalau sepanjang usia itu telah digunakan untuk membina kecemerlangan. Nyatakanlah perasaan dan keinginan anda itu dalam doa2 lewat sembahyang. Allah mendengar.

Wanita baik untuk lelaki yang baik, sebaliknya wanita jahat untuk lelaki yang jahat. Biar lambat jodoh asalkan mendapat Mr Right dan biar seorang diri drpd menjadi mangsa lelaki yang tidak beriman kemudian nanti.

Memang kita mudah tersilap mentafsir kehidupan ini. Kita selalu sangka, aku pasti bahagia kalau mendapat ini. Hakikatnya, apabila kita benar2 mendapat apa yang kita inginkan itu, ia juga dtg bersama masalah.

Kita selalu melihat org memandu kereta mewah dan terdetiklah di hati kita, bahagianya org itu. Hakikatnya apabila kita sendiri telah memiliki kereta mewah kita ditimpa pelbagai kerenah. Tidak mustahil
pula org yang memandu kereta mewah(walaupun sebenarnya tak mewah) terpaksa membayar lebih tatkala berhenti untuk membeli durian di tepi jalan. Orang lain membeli dengan harga biasa, dia terpaksa membayar berlipat ganda.

Ketika anda terperangkap dalam kesesakan jalan raya, motosikal mencelah-celah hingga mampu berada jauh di hadapan. Anda pun mengeluh, alangkah baiknya kalau aku hanya menunggang sebuah motosikal seperti itu dan cepat sampai ke tempat yang dituju. Padahal si penunggang motosikal mungkin sedang memikirkan bilakah dia akan memandu kereta di tgh2 bandar raya.

Bukan semua yang anda sangka membahagiakan itu benar2 membahagiakan. Bahagianya mungkin ada tapi deritanya juga datang sama. Semua benda, pasti ada baik buruknya.

Demikian juga perkahwinan. Ia baik sebab ia dibenarkan oleh agama, sunnah Nabi, sebagai saluran yang betul untuk melepaskan shahwat di samping membina sahsiah dan sebagainya, tapi ia juga buruk sebab ramai org yang berkahwin hidupnya semakin tidak terurus.

Ramai orang menempah neraka sebaik sahaja melangkahkan kaki ke alam berumahtangga. Bukankah dengan ijab dan Kabul selain menghalalkan hubungan kelamin, tanggungjawab yang terpaksa dipikul juga turut banyak? Bukankah apabila anda gagal melaksanakannya, anda membina dosa seterusnya jambatan ke neraka?

Berapa ramaikah yang menyesali perkahwinan masing2 padahal dahulunya mereka bermati-matian membina janji, memupuk cinta kasih malah ada yang sanggup berkorban apa sahaja asalkan segala impian menjadi nyata?

Jika tidak sanggup untuk bergelar isteri tidak usah berkahwin dulu. Jika merasakan diri belum cukup ilmu untuk bergelar ibu ataupun ayah, belajarlah dulu. Jika rasa2 belum bersedia untuk bersabar dgn kerenah anak2, carilah dulu kesabaran itu. Jangan berkahwin dahulu sebab kenyataannya ramai yang tidak bersedia untuk melangkah tetapi telah melompat, akhirnya jatuh terjerumus dan tidak jumpa akar berpaut tatkala cuba mendaki naik.

Berkahwin itu indah dan nikmat bagi yang benar2 mengerti tuntutan2nya.

Berkahwin itu menjanjikan pahala tidak putus2 bagi yang menjadikannya gelanggang untuk mengukuhkan iman, mencintai Tuhan dan menjadikan syurga sebagai matlamat. Berkahwin itu sempadan dari ketidaksempurnaan insan kepada kesempurnaan insan - bagi yang mengetahui rahsia2nya.

Berkahwinlah anda demi Tuhan dan Nabi-Nya, bukan berkahwin kerana perasaan dan mengikut kebiasaan. Jodoh usah terlalu dirisaukan, tiba masanya ia akan datang menjemput, namun perlu juga anda membuka lorong2nya agar jemputan itu mudah sampai dan tidak terhalang. "

Seorang teman pernah berpesan..

"Kadang2 Allah sembunyikan matahari..Dia datangkan petir dan kilat..kita menangis dan tertanya-tanya, kemana hilangnya sinar..Rupa2nya.. Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi.."

`Cinta yang disemadikan tidak mungkin layu selagi adanya imbas
kembali. Hati yang remuk kembali kukuh selagi ketenangan dikecapi.
Jiwa yang pasrah bertukar haluan selagi esok masih ada. Parut yang
lama pastikan sembuh selagi iman terselit didada...`

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Let the study begin...hahaha!!

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Friday, 9 November 2007

A lost memory...

Gamba ketika jamuan birthday bulan feb 2006.
From left : 'Ammar Shahrin, me, Hakim Hamidon and Helmi Izani

Sepi Perantau - Brothers

Pabila ku berada di kejauhan,
ada kalanya ku rasa kesepian,
asyik terkenang kampung halaman,
dan jua teman-teman,
di kala itu kan ku rasa,
agak kelemahan untuk berjuang,
melihat mereka berbahagia,
di samping yang tercinta,
kegembiraan...ku kesepian.
mujur ada teman seperjuangan,
menyatakan kita harus teruskan,
perjuangan ini demi mencari,
keredhaan ilahi...
Masa muda dilalui hanya sekali,
pergunakanya agar kau tidak kesali,
di esok hari,
ketenangan ada disini,
tak jumpa kerana kau tak mencari,
kebahgiaan tersirat di hati.
tak rasa kerana kau tak menghayati.

* Huh...asim listening to a song from brothers that brings back delightful memories with his bests friends.

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Thursday, 8 November 2007

Something bothering...


Ok, so recently, I’ve been wondering about something. You know, sometimes when I hang out with my friends and when we come up with the topic of women, I ask them about “if your going to marry someone, what type of person your going to look for?”. Ok, and they would answer, I look for those that has the looks, charming, nice, responsible and more. Ok, lets skip that, but then when I asked their opinions on those “bertudung labuh” they would say, “alah, pompuan tudung labuh pun bukan baik sangat, kadang-kadang bawah tudung macam-macam ade…rambut kaler, pakai tindik,….,” And more of course. Now the question is, is it really true about “perempuan bertudung labuh” are like that?

Now here’s my opinion. I don’t know if its quite right or wrong, but well, this is my opinion.

You know, if it were true that some girls who wear “tudung” or the hijab are hiding their true form, meant by they dye their hair, have ridiculous hair style and what so ever, I think its far way better rather then those who are proud to show off their adornment. Well, now that is of course the very reason why Allah told us (the Humans) to cover up what is necessary, he said in surah An-nur :


“…that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty…”

You see, now these types of women are just following what Allah says. Because they think their “beautiful” (which I doubt), puts them to put a veil to cover what is necessary. Anyway, in the above ayat, Allah continues:


“…that They should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small Children who have no sense of the Shame of sex; and that They should not strike their feet In order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. and O ye believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain bliss.”

Now from this ayat too, Allah referred that they can and only open their veil to a certain people the He specifically mentioned. See for yourself in the ayat.

So, coming back to the topic, you know, sometimes you just can’t predict what “perempuan bertudung labuh” are hiding. And that may be the interesting part of life. You know, a friend of mine said, “its better to not know who and what ‘they’ look like now (not married yet situation) because we’ll have plenty of time after that (after married already) to do many things together (as husband and wife of course).”

You see, I sometimes get quite irritated with people say bad things about “perempuan bertudung labuh” may be because of my sisters are wearing tudung labuh, a majority of my girl friends wears tudung labuh, my mother and her friends wear tudung labuh, my Hidayah teachers wear tudung labuh and lets just say that “perempuan tudung labuh” are very close to me. And what I see to them is, they are quite the opposite of what people say of them. What I meant is that they mostly have the characteristic of being a true muslimah and which is a good thing and far more better rather than those girls whom loiters about shopping malls, clinging to their male friends and more.

Anyway, talking about the negative comments that I got, I also made a positive conclusion from it. What I think is that, why many people, when they see a small fraction of “perempuan bertudung labuh” doing bad stuff they tend to blame the whole lot,well, it may be because they put a great hope for “perempuan bertudung labuh” to be a good example to them. To correct them if they get astray from the right path and to show them what is it like to be a true muslim. Why I say this? May be because usually, “perempuan bertudung labuh” are always referred to be very equipped with religious education. So, my advice to my dear beloved friends of perempuan bertudung labuh”, why not try to make a good example of what you can do and help those people who are searching for Allah’s Hidayah by showing them the true path. A small help could bring to a huge change.

Ok, lastly, this is just my opinion regarding to part of the holy quran and a small knowledge that I know of. I typed this article just to clear out some speculations about “perempuan bertudung labuh”. I hope it helped out. So that’s it from me, Wassalam.

* Really hope that anybody could give some feed backs.

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Sunday, 4 November 2007



Bila bertalu rentak di kalbu

Hasrat yang tersirat semakin ku buru
Bila bergema laungan gempita
Harapan bernyala nadiku berganda

Gemuruh jiwa semangat membara
Dari puncak ingin ke angkasa
Berkalungkan bintang berkelipan
Menyerlah jauh dari yang biasa

Bila bertalu rentak di kalbu
Hasrat yang tersirat semakin ku buru
Bila bergema laungan gempita
Harapan bernyala nadiku berganda

Gemuruh jiwa semangat membara
Dari puncak ingin ke angkasa
Berkalungkan bintang berkelipan
Menyerlah jauh dari yang biasa

Ungkapan ini bukan sekadar bermimpi
Segalanya pastikan terbukti nanti

Ulang :
Gemuruh jiwa semangat membara
Dari puncak ingin ke angkasa
Berkalungkan bintang berkelipan
Menyerlah jauh dari yang biasa

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Saturday, 3 November 2007

'Final'ly...get it?

so I just finihshed my final exam today...well, actually it was yesterday, but today there was still Malaysian University Examination Tests (MUET la!!), it still counts know what, for the first time in my life I felt really regretful, frustuated and not quite satisfied with my exams...usually, during my school periods, i'm not that kind of a kid who scores a lot in class or what, nor am I a studious or a HARDWORKING type of a person...I'd rather play a round and probably waste my time doing ridicilous things. Maybe when the exams are just around the corner, at THAT time, suddenly I'd struggle and study last minute and Wa~laa! I get "colourful" results...very nice...complete...all grades are in...hahaha..well, honestly saying, during those PRECIUOS times, I didn't feel guilty or frustuated after answering the quetions that was given...well, I knew I wouldn't get good marks because of what I have done from before...

But present, in JMC, in a new world to me, just after the final exams, like I said before, I really felt bad, guilty, frustuated, darn not satisfied and all those depressful feelings that you can have...arghh!!! You see, I started changing my life style by putting a new hope in myself....I became hardworking, studious and very determineded....In class (tutorials), I'd score the most in quizs, always finish doing tutorials (kerja rumah la tu!!) given by the teachers, always being infront (meant by mencapub selalu...hahaha!!!), sometimes teachs my other friends about things they don't uncerstand and quite proudful, scored in my Mid-sem exam (UPS 1)....I didn't went boastful during thsoe times, because what came in my mind was that I thought, I just can't afford to see another failure in my life after SPM...I knew I wasn't that clever enough to compare with those who got 10 A's or above, so thats why I changed and struggled hard...sincerely, I helped my friends with all that I have....but sometimes, when god doesn't aprove us to get what we want, it just won't in my finals, in all the papers I took, I can put an average of 60% answered and only 40% was confidently was really really made me speechless (I mean typeless....hahahaha!! I'm typing here aren't I?)...but like a friend of mine said, "as long as the result hasn't come out yet, don't stop praying and make a lot of duas to Him. You've strived already, and now, just tawakal and hope for the best!"....thanks a lot dude...It really meant well...hmm...well, what he says is quite right....I have a faith, and I must keep in my faith until the, right now, maybe loking back won't change anything, so I'll guess I'll just look foward for a new semester a new hope....
Thats it folks...see ya!!
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